This repository is for scripts, results, and documentation relating to the basic analysis of avaliable coral genome data (e.g., BUSCO analysis, genome stats, etc.).
The 01_Data/2021-12-03
directory contains information about the raw data that is used in this analysis.
the 01_Data/2021-12-03/coral
directory contains information about the location and pre-processing of coral genomes and transcriptomes (plus out group species) that were downloaded for use in this analysis.
The 04_Results/2022-02-03
directory contains two markdown files:
details the analysis performed on each of the
details the analysis performed on each of the transcriptomes
Bash scripts that were used to actually perform the analysis are the relveant sub-directories and follow the general naming format: run*.sh
. The log files produced by these bashs scripts are generally called run*.sh.log*