
A Vim plugin for ydict

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


vim-ydict is a Vim plugin for ydict, it helps you to query words from Vim.


vim-ydict relies on ydict, to use it, you need to install ydict first.

Use Homebrew to install ydict:

brew tap timothyye/tap
brew install timothyye/tap/skm

Or you can download it from the release page.

Now you can install vim-ydict.


Plug 'TimothyYe/vim-ydict'


vim-ydict supports 3 different query modes:

  1. Query words from current cursor position, supported by command :Ydc.
  2. Query selected words from the select mode, supported by command :Ydv.
  3. Query words from user's input, supported by command :Yde.


Edit your vimrc file, add example settings.

  1. Press Ctrl+t to query selected words:
vnoremap <silent> <C-T> :<C-u>Ydv<CR>
  1. Use <leader>+yc to query words from current cursor position:
nnoremap <leader>yc :<C-u>Ydc<CR>
  1. Use <leader>+yd to input the words you want to query:
noremap <leader>yd :<C-u>Yde<CR>



The MIT License (MIT)