Wavelet Transform with Electrode-Restricted Spike Templates (WATERS)

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Spike detection based on continuous wavelet transform with data-driven templates.


This method is based on:

Nenadic Z, Burdick JW.
Spike detection using the continuous wavelet transform.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2005;52(1):74-87.

Through adapting custom wavelets based on spike waveforms, it creates a family of templates that are then scaled:

  1. Horizontally in time domain,
  2. Vertically in voltage (amplitude) domain.

This allows for a more robust spike detection that accounts for the physiological spike waveforms (as opposed to abstract wavelets).

Spike detection pipeline

  1. Filter the raw voltage trace (3rd order Butterworth, 600 Hz - 8 kHz). Filtered trace

  2. Using threshold-based method detect n ∈ [50, 1000] spikes. Threshold-based detection results

  3. Using the aggregated median spike waveform adapt a custom wavelet.

Spike Overlay Average waveform Adapted wavelet
  1. Run spike detection scaling the custom wavelet across scales.

  1. Compare with threshold-based method and built-in wavelets from MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox.


Clone git repository:

git clone https://github.com/jeremi-chabros/CWT.git

Requires MATLAB with Wavelet Toolbox and Signal Processing Toolbox.


Preferred method is executing (or calling from command window) getSpikesApp.m

  1. Toggle between setting path to the folder with data or loading specific file(s)
  2. Select files/folder
  3. Select output folder (by default saves in current directory)
  4. Set parameters and save them
  5. Run spike detection

Tip: Hover mouse over a parameter to display its value and usage.

Organization of different functions is as follows:

├── batchDetectSpikes.m
│   └── detectSpikesCWT.m
│       ├── getTemplate.m
│       │   └── detectSpikesThreshold.m
│       ├── adaptWavelet.m
│       └── detectSpikesWavelet.m

This method is still under development and troubleshooting and hence frequent git pull is recommended:

  1. git stash -A
  2. git pull
