PetGo is a social networking site for contemporary pet owners. The website can not only provide communication problems between pet owners and pet lovers, but also enable pet shops to display the content and particularities of their stores on the website, so that pet owners can have a more professional platform to solve problems with pets. Related issues. Each user can post a description of the problem or show a pet, and other users can comment or answer the post. In this way, users can communicate well through the platform, and users can get to know each other. Pet shops can display their shop pairs on the map provided by the platform. When choosing a pet shop, users can be more targeted.



Database Name: pet
Database Version: mysql5.6+
In this project, we use the AWS RDS which is a remote databse. So for your convinence, you should change the
If you use mysql on localhost, you may need to copy these code to file


After that, you need to create a database called pet
The sql is in the pet_system.sql. You need to copy this sql to the Mysql and run.

2. Configure the project(Recommend using IntelliJ Idea)

  1. Right Click pom.xml file, click the Add as Maven project and waiting to complete.
  2. After that, click the Reload all maven project button on the Maven window to install the packages.
  3. Click the Edit Configuration to add Tomcat Server. Details can be seen as follows
  4. Run the Sever and waiting Alt text
    Alt text

Admin: Account and Password

Admin login page: http://localhost:8080/admin/login

admin 123


HomePage: http://localhost:8080