
This is a game project during IU's Object-Oriented Programming course As a team working on a game project for the first time, we have chosen to create a Plant vs Zombie game. This franchise is well-known and popular, with the original game released in 2009 and selling over 300,000 copies. It has become one of the most iconic and beloved video game franchises of all time.

The creator of the game, George Fan, was inspired by tower defense games and wanted to create a more defense-oriented version of Warcraft 3 mods. This unique premise, combined with challenging gameplay, has contributed to the enduring popularity of the Plant vs Zombie franchise.

We believe that this project presents an excellent opportunity to explore and expand upon the gameplay elements that have made the franchise so successful. By recreating a Plant vs Zombie game, we hope to meet the requirements of the university course and create a product that is enjoyable and challenging for players.

It was a 4 members project but 2 entirely drop out without inform so this is way to scrappy to even consider a game.


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