
Asset Import code snippet for Unity Engine

Primary LanguageC#


Automatically configures texture file settings on import

Works on Unity 2018.3 and previous versions. Code has obsolete warnings!


Currently configured to:

  • Android Override
  • Max Size: 2048
  • Compression ETC2 RGBA8
  • Compression Quality: Fastest (0)
  • Convert to normal map if file name contains "Normal"


Script must be placed inside a folder named Editor (Doesn't have to be a root folder)

Script will print to the console when it is running

In case you want to change existing textures, you can open the editor and change OnImportOnly to false. Reimport textures you want to effect. I wouldn't recommend using Reimport All as it takes a long time. Remember to set OnImportOnly back to true, or else your changes to textures will always be overwritten by this script.

For development purposes, set CompressionQuality to 0. This will speed up reimporting assets. For final builds, you should set CompressionQuality to 100, and let the computer run. It will take a LONG time to reimport.