
Android App using Clean Architecture:

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin Android Architecture Components Sample App with Unit & Espresso Tests


This is a sample of good practise Android Development, nothing more.

It pulls in responses from two endpoints from JsonPlaceHolder.typicode.com, it zips them together using RxJava then displays the first ten results in a RecyclerView

The Unit Tests contain a mock of the endpoints and tests if the endpoints are recognised and that the zip function works The Espresso test checks if the RecyclerView is displayed, however what more interesting is the RxJava "IdealingResource".

App Uses:

  • Kotlin
  • MVVM
  • RxJava
  • Espresso w/Rx IdealingResource as testInstrumentationRunner
  • Unit Tests with Mockito
  • Sample of a Kotlin ViewExtension

Additional Branches

  • Koin - This includes Koin Dependency injection (but not in the tests)
  • Dagger 2 - This includes Dagger 2 in the app and tests