
Welcome to the Creative Web Styling Showcase repository! This project demonstrates a variety of styling techniques using HTML and CSS to enhance the visual appeal of web content. Explore the unique features used in this project to create an engaging and interactive webpage.


This project incorporates the following styling features:

  • Background Color Transition: The webpage background color changes to "bisque" on hover, adding an interactive effect.

  • Text Styling: Text is creatively styled with wavy underlines, color changes on hover, and customized first letters and first lines for a unique reading experience.

  • Text Selection Disabled: Users are unable to select or highlight text on the page, enhancing content protection.

  • Ordered List Styling: Ordered lists are styled with a custom background color and specific font properties for improved readability.

  • List Style Customization: List markers are displayed as uppercase letters inside the ordered list, and alignment is centered.

  • Heading Decoration: The main heading is styled with a black color, oblique font style, and underline decoration for emphasis.

  • Link Interaction: Links change color to blue on hover, providing visual feedback to users.

Local Setup

To set up this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the index.html file in your web browser to view the styled webpage.


Feel free to explore the HTML and CSS code in this repository to learn about different styling techniques. You can also modify and adapt the code for your own web projects to create visually appealing and interactive content.


This project is under the MIT License.

Happy styling!