
holyChat is a mobile application for fast communication between end users.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Archived project: This project will not be maintained anymore.


holyChat is a mobile application for fast communication between end users.


  • 4 different background color options
  • log in with your username
  • chat with multiple users
  • share photos
  • take photos to share them
  • share your location

Tech Stack

  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Gifted Chat
  • NetInfo

Environment used in Developement

  • Android Studio Arctic Fox (Android 11)
  • iOS 15.1
  • Chrome 96.0.4664.93


--> https://github.com/Tina2010/holyChat/blob/main/package.json

Running The App

This app runs with expo. If you are not familiar with expo, I recommend this article:
To launch the app run expo start in you CLI.
This opens a localhost browser and allows the selection of what emulator you want to use.

Device Set Up

Download the Expo app on the device you want to use to run the app.
With your device, scan QR code (Android) or send a link via email (iOS) to connect to expo.
The app will start on your device and you'll be able to use it.


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