- 3
Пример node.js voice kit не работает
#49 opened by stormBMO - 0
Требуемая версия Python
#66 opened by kITerE - 0
- 0
Missed dependency in go version
#53 opened by gtrxshock - 0
- 1
Поды для iOS приложения не инсталируются
#50 opened by elvirachekmeneva - 2
TTS: Documentation on voice configuration
#31 opened by HappyDOGE - 0
- 4
#14 opened by annabali - 1
How to turn on the female voice in synthesis?
#24 opened by skokov2006 - 0
Limiting the running time of the script
#23 opened by skokov2006 - 0
Php example is needed
#17 opened by demon-ru - 1
Question: Words list is empty
#15 opened by booooooo7 - 1
- 4
Question: VAD
#11 opened by subnetsRU - 7
Question: Text-To-Speech (TTS)
#9 opened by subnetsRU - 3
Sample rate gets rounded to thousands
#4 opened by Kolyunya - 2
annotations.proto was not found
#12 opened by annabali - 9
Question: Audio format
#8 opened by subnetsRU - 2
- 7
NODEJS example
#6 opened by subnetsRU - 0
Fix install issues in docs and meta.
#1 opened by denis-trofimov - 2
warning: Import google
#5 opened by Smiley-k