Project for measuring humidity and temperature using an HiLetgo ESP8266 NodeMCU and HiLetgo DHT22 sensor and send date to Adafruit IO to create a visual dashboard.
Adapted from:
- Adafruit tutorial and code for ESP8266 Temperature / Humidity Webserver.
- Tutorial for measuring 12v battery voltage using an ESP8266 and
- Try 47k resistor vs 27k to lower max voltage enough and work with this math
- Try 3.2v factor vs 5v factor since the board runs at 3.x volts
- HiLetgo ESP8266 NodeMCU
- HiLetgo DHT22 Humidity + Temp with breakout board or AM2302 or DHT22 (note: if using a DHT22 without a breakout board, you'll need a 10k resistor more info)
- power supply, usb cable, hookup supplies
See Fritzing design in /fritzing
The following assumes OSX:
Download and install the Arduino IDE
Download and install the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers so the USB chipset on the NodeMCU can communicate with your computer
Clone this repo from GitHub to your computer
Create an Adafruit IO account to store your data and create a dashboard of your data
in the Arduino IDE and create a 'secrets.h' file
Create a 'secrets.h' file in the Sketch's root directory (ex. /main/temphumidityadafruitio/) with the following contents:
#define WLAN_SSID "WiFiSSID"
#define WLAN_PASS "WiFiPassword"
#define AIO_HUM_FEED "/feeds/garage-humidity"
#define AIO_TEMP_FEED "/feeds/garage-temperature"
#define AIO_MOISTURE_FEED "/feeds/garage-moisture"
#define AIO_SERVER ""
#define AIO_SERVERPORT 1883
#define AIO_USERNAME "AdafruitIOUsername"
#define AIO_KEY "AdafruitIOKey"
The 'secrets.h' file is ignored by Git.
Install support for NodeMCU boards in the Arduino IDE.
Download and install Arduino libraries needed by this project.
- Install ESP8266 custom boards
See Arduino IDE library tutorial if needed.
- Setup Arduino IDE under Tools menu:
- Board: NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP=12E Module)
- CPU Frequency: 80MHz
- Flash Size: 4M (3M SPIFFS)
- Upload Speed: 115200
- Port: SLAB_USBtoUART (or similar)
- Wire NodeMCU and DHT22:
- DHT22 "-" to NodeMCU "GND"
- DHT22 "+" to NodeMCU "3.3v"
- DHT22 "out" to NodeMCU "D2"
Plug in the board via USB via the Apple USB A to C adapter (don't use a USB hub)
Compile and Upload Sketch in Arduino IDE
Use Arduino IDE terminal to debug at 115200 baud