React Google Places Autocomplete input -- fully customizable
- 0
- 2
Get full country name and country code
#324 opened by redimongo - 3
Warning about 'defaultProps'
#350 opened by alexbmt84 - 8
Dependencies are bundled in the build output
#280 opened by bstefanescu - 0
- 2
PlaceHolder not showing
#345 opened by Manuel2u - 1
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
#348 opened by arsalan06 - 0
Autofill functionality in browsers fails to operate when the placeholder is anything other than an empty string.
#346 opened by kathode - 2
Getting warning regarding "Google Maps JavaScript API has been loaded directly without loading=async. This can result in suboptimal performance. For best-practice loading patterns please see https://goo.gle/js-api-loading
#344 opened by sadanandapradhan - 0
- 5
Injecting custom options in dropdown
#303 opened by aconrad - 1
Error whle compiling
#329 opened by nemmel2000 - 4
City Filtering
#321 opened by 1sahinomer1 - 0
isMulti Prop Does Not Accept true in react-google-places-autocomplete v4.0.1
#339 opened by venigallapraveen - 1
Placeholder not clearing on focus
#330 opened by Jayeshkarma - 2
how to style the input
#337 opened by harshalone - 0
- 0
Query & Show Suggestions on Focus
#335 opened by ahilke - 4
- 1
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Getting issue while adding address
#313 opened by rahul138 - 1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () in reactjs
#349 opened by arsalan06 - 11
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Support for defaultProps error.
#347 opened by Somacros - 1
Autocomplete Request: Bounds deprecated
#338 opened by melloware - 0
Setting pointerEvents on listView Not Honored
#340 opened by 415brian - 3
Autocomplete options are behind other sections
#325 opened by yvan99 - 1
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How to customize `No options` label
#278 opened by alimoli - 3
Form control input value going out of view
#319 opened by aliyaus - 6
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- 1
window is not defined at geocodeByPlaceId
#316 opened by diegogb-08 - 6
Weak Documentation
#310 opened by mhr996 - 3
OnClick Freeze on Android Only ( on expoGo works )
#311 opened by ModaxDev - 1
IsDisabled field in selectprops disables the field but also hides the data
#309 opened by anagharajan95 - 2
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How do I remove the input border?
#292 opened by rxgfred - 2
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Disable select input animation
#269 opened by buiquangduc - 2
- 1
Prop `id` did not match. Server: "react-select-5-input" Client: "react-select-3-input"
#288 opened by adrienclay36 - 3
Is there a changelog currently?
#286 opened by YPCrumble - 2
Custom dropdown indicator?
#283 opened by BB-BenBridges - 6
onChange not working 3.4.0
#279 opened by eldan88 - 8
Needs updating to React Version 18
#271 opened by mike-niemand - 4
Add ability to query place details on select
#270 opened by ataravati - 1
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ARIA labels and accessibility
#267 opened by mnyp