
an implement of AlexNet with tensorflow, which has a detailed explanation.

Primary LanguagePython


an easy implement of AlexNet with tensorflow, which has a detailed explanation.



The code is an implement of AlexNet with tensorflow. The detailed explanation can be found here

Before running the code, you should confirm that you have :

  • Python (2 and 3 is all ok, 2 need a little change on function"print()")
  • tensorflow 1.0
  • opencv

Then, you should download the model file "bvlc_alexnet.npy" which can be found hereor here(for users who can't download from the first link).

Finally, run the test file with "python3 testModel.py folder testModel", you will see some images with the predicted label (press any key to move on to the next image).

The command also supports url.

For eg. "python3 testModel.py url http://www.cats.org.uk/uploads/images/featurebox_sidebar_kids/Cat-Behaviour.jpg"

You can also use tensorboard to monitor the process. Remeber to see detailed explanation.

If you have any problem, please contact me!

blog :http://blog.csdn.net/accepthjp

email :huangjipengnju@gmail.com