Netoscope is a image board where the user is able to upload an image and comment on existing images.
The name was inspired by stereoscopy as the page aims to be a internet version of a Kaiser Panorama. If you want to see a Kaiser Panorama in person, check it out at the Berlin Global Exposition in Humbolt Forum.
- Current content is from the Wikipedia Commons.
- BasicAuth is set-up to prevent thousands of uploads to my S3 bucket.
Requirements: git, node, npm, postgreSQL
- Clone the repo
- Set-up your secrets.json file based on the provided example
- Set-up your database with
createdb <database_name>
- Create the tables from images.sql
- Install npm packages with
npm i
- Run the app locally with
node .
- basicAuth
- Upload image
- Comment on image
- Delete comments
- Expand all comments
- Infininte scroll
- improve image load speed
- refactor UI with Grid
- deploy to Heroku