
This repo is aim to help people usually writing articles in Chinese to tidy the typeset./此仓库用于帮助经常用中文写文章的人整理文章排版。

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Premise and Most Important / 特别提醒

  • This project ONLY completes most of the functions of the plain text part, all the rest are WIP(Working In Progress). / 本项目只完成了纯文本部分的大部分功能,其余的都在进行中。
  • For most users, the current project status is sufficient for daily use. / 对于大部分用户,目前的项目状态已经足够日常使用。

Purpose / 目的

  • This repo aims to help people, who usually writing articles in Chinese, to tidy the typeset. / 此仓库用于帮助经常用中文写文章的人整理文章排版。

Use / 使用

Entry Point / 项目入口

Example / 使用示例

Attention / 注意

  • This project names "Typeseter", not "Typesetter" (has no double t) in case of mistaking with other typesetting project. / 该项目名称为“Typesetter”,而不是“Typesetter”(没有双写 t),以防止与其他排版项目弄错。
  • Comments in code ONLY written in Chinese. / 代码注释只有中文。
  • After clearing the broswer local storage, the config will be reset to default, since all the custom settings are saved at local storage of broswer. / 清除站点本地存储之后,设置会被重置为默认设置,所有偏好设置全部存在浏览器的本地设置。
  • For this project, maybe some lower version browers don't work due to the advanced regex grammar(e.g. positive lookbehind, positive lookahead). / 这个项目可能在低版本的浏览器上无法工作,因为使用了高级正则表达式语法(例如:肯定性前视,肯定性后视)。
  • The project comes with test text for testing. / 项目内自带测试文本以供测试。

Feature / 特性

  • Highly Self-custom / 高度自定义

TODO / 待开发

  • 段首插入两个全角空格缩进 / Insert two full-width space indent at the head of each paragraph
  • 自定义段落间空行数量 / Custom the number of blank lines between former paragraph and latter paragraph
  • 中英文之间插入半角空格「盤古之白」 / Insert half-width space in Chinese characters and English
  • 自定义是否删除原始空行 / Custom whether delete the blank lines of the origin text
  • 删除中文之间的空白字符 / Delete white characters between Chinese Characters
  • 修正标点 / Fix wrong punctuations
    • 修正中文间的英文逗号 / Fix the English comma between Chinese Characters
    • 修正中文间的英文句点 / Fix the English dot between Chinese Characters
    • 修正中文间的英文冒号 / Fix the English colon between Chinese Characters
    • 修正中文间的英文分号 / Fix the English semicolon between Chinese Characters
    • 修正中文间的英文问号 / Fix the English question mark between Chinese Characters
    • 修正包含中文的英文括号 / Fix the English brackets including Chinese Characters
    • 修正中文间的英文感叹号 / Fix the English bang between Chinese Characters
    • 修正不规范的书名号 / Fix the non-standard guillemet
    • 修正不规范的破折号 / Fix the non-standard chinese dashes
    • 删除多余的中文逗号 / Delete the redundent Chinese comma
    • 删除多余的中文省略号 / Delete the redundent Chinese ellipsis
    • 多个中文句号转换为省略号 / Convert multiple Chinese periods to Chinese ellipsis
    • 删除中文和中文标点之间的空格 / Delete the space between Chinese Characters and Chinese Punctuations
  • 折行处理(Shift Enter) / Wrapping paragraph
  • 自定义段间分隔符 / Customize the separator between paragraphs
  • 【重要】能够撤销(Ctrl+Z)和重做(Ctrl+Shift+Z&Ctrl+Y) / 【Important】Can undo(Ctrl+Z) and redo(Ctrl+Shift+Z&Ctrl+Y)
  • 【重要】排版后自动全选文本 / 【Important】Automatic select all the text after typesetted
  • 简繁中文转换 / Conversion of Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese
  • 【困难】中文文章内的不规范引号规范化 / 【Hard】Normalize the non-standard quotation marks in Chinese articles
    • 半角英文双引号 " / Half-width English double quotes
    • 全角英文双引号 / Full-width English double quotes
    • 半角英文单引号 ' / Half-width English single quotes
    • 全角英文单引号 / Full-width English single quotes
  • 标准中文引号转换为日式直角引号 / Convert standard Chinese quotation marks to Japanese right-angle quotation marks
    • 中文双引号 “” / Chinese double quotes
    • 中文单引号 ‘’ / Chinese single quotes
  • 统一间隔号 / Unify the spacer
    • 日式全角片假名中点 / Japanese full-width katakana midpoint
    • 标准中文间隔号 · / Standard Chinese spacer
    • 无序列表序号用作间隔号 / Unordered list sign using for spacer
  • 自定义间隔号两旁是否加半角空格 / Custom whether add half-width space at both sides of spacer
  • 纯英文文本标点符号后添加空格 / Add half-width space after the punctuations of plain English text
  • Markdown 文章排版 / Typesetting for Markdown passages
    • 三个以上空行自动转 \n<br />\n / More than three blank lines can be automatically converted to \n<br />\n
    • 单关键词段落自动转相应 Header(例如:正文 => ## 正文) / Single-keyword paragraphs can be automatically converted to the corresponding Header (for example: text => ## text)
  • 导出偏好配置文件 / Can export the prefer configuration
  • 列出规范参考来源 / List the reference of specification
  • 在页面上添加项目地址 / Add the project address at page
  • 写出 Github Actions 配置文件并部署到 Github Pages / Write a Github Actions profile and deploy to Github Pages

Framework / 框架

Contribution / 参与项目

  • Contributions and Pull Request are always welcome. / 欢迎参与贡献提交 PR。

License / 许可证

  • MIT License.