Solana Mainnet-Beta Cluster Restart 6 February 2024

Block production on Solana Mainnet-Beta has halted at approximately 10:00 UTC on 6 February 2024.

Investigations are underway, a consensus on restart has not yet been reached. If a restart is needed this document is being updated with instructions as they become available.


The network has restarted, do not follow these instructions. You need to restart with the correct shred version of 50093.

If you participated in the restart remove the --wait-for-supermajority and --expected-bank-hash flags now, otherwise your node won't restart.

Identify your highest optimistic slot:

Highest optimistically confirmed slot: 246464040

^ Find this by grepping your logs for “optimistic_slot”:

grep "optimistic_slot slot" /path/to/log/file | tail

The highest slot might not be the last to appear in your logs, identify the highest of those printed.

Note: If your last confirmed slot is lower than that the one listed above, this is likely your node crashed before it was able to observe the latest supermajority. In this case, update according to step 2 then proceed to the Appendix.

Important: DO NOT delete your ledger directory.

Step 1: Create a snapshot at slot 246464040

You need to stop your validator process if it is still running.

This document assumes your ledger directory is called ledger/. If not then adjust the following commands accordingly.

Use the ledger tool to create a new snapshot at slot 246464040, replacing the two instances of to your actual ledger path:

solana-ledger-tool --ledger <ledger-path> create-snapshot 246464040 \
--snapshot-archive-path  <snapshot-path> \
--hard-fork 246464040 \

If you have a custom accounts path add --accounts <PATH_TO_ACCOUNTS> \ before --hard-fork

The final line of output should be

Successfully created snapshot for slot 246464040, hash 2QEvYhBgeWPJbC84fMTTK9NgntqiUAWiBEBf21rtTmng:: /path/to/ledger/snapshot-246464040-9kmqknr1D8pQXn92dWMDWvfZ9nwzgxRQ6JnbUrG3KN4F.tar.zst
Shred version: 50093

Check your ledger/ directory to ensure that you have no snapshot newer than snapshot-246464040-9kmqknr1D8pQXn92dWMDWvfZ9nwzgxRQ6JnbUrG3KN4F.tar.zst This is very unlikely, but if found should be removed - please post on Discord if you were to find a newer snapshot! Snapshots older than snapshot-246464040-9kmqknr1D8pQXn92dWMDWvfZ9nwzgxRQ6JnbUrG3KN4F.tar.zst should not be removed.

NOTE: You may need to move the created snapshot from your ledger directory to your snapshots directory if you have a custom snapshot directory

NOTE: If you receive “Error: Slot 246464040 is not available”, please see appendix

Step 2: Adjust your validator command-line arguments, temporarily for this restart to include:

(--known-validators aren’t needed if you have your own local snapshot and have set –no-genesis-fetch as your validator won’t be downloading anything, you can omit those arguments in this case)

If you use a have a hot failover setup ensure you start with the correct identity!

--wait-for-supermajority 246464040 \
--no-snapshot-fetch \
--no-genesis-fetch \
--expected-bank-hash 2QEvYhBgeWPJbC84fMTTK9NgntqiUAWiBEBf21rtTmng \
--expected-shred-version 50093 \

(Remove the previous value of “--expected-shred-version“ if present).

Once the cluster restarts and normal operation resumes, remember to remove --wait-for-supermajority and --expected-bank-hash before the next update or restart. They are only required for the restart. You can also go back to your old known-validators at that point.

Step 3: Update your validator version

Download and install/build the latest Solana version - this is important, you HAVE to use this version to restart:

Solana v1.17.20

If you are running jito-solana please use the respective jito-solana release for v1.17.20 or revert to Solana Labs client for this restart if it is not available.

Step 4: Start your validator and verify status

As it boots, it will load the snapshot for slot 246464040 and wait for 80% of the stake to come online before producing/validating new blocks.

To confirm your restarted validator is correctly waiting for 80% stake, look for this periodic log message to confirm it is waiting: INFO solana_core::validator] Waiting for 80% of activated stake at slot 246464040 to be in gossip...

And if you have RPC enabled, ask it repeated for the current slot:

solana --url slot

Verify that you have the correct identity configuration with this command

solana-validator -l /PATH/TO/LEDGER contact-info

Any number other than 246464040 means you did not complete the steps correctly.

Once started you should see log entries for “Activate stake” visible in gossip and “waiting for 80% of stake” to be visible. You can track these to see how stake progresses.

If you couldn’t produce your snapshot locally follow appendix on next page below

Appendix: Resolution if you did not preserve your ledger or your last optimistically confirmed slot is below 246464040

NOT RECOMMENDED - this resolution should only be attempted if your ledger/ directory is unavailable or you are unable to produce a snapshot for 246464040.

ONLY IF your ledger history is corrupt or otherwise unavailable and your last confirmed slot is lower than 246464040, follow these instructions to get a new snapshot:

Your validator will need to download a new snapshot from one of the known validators. Alternative snapshot download methods are also provided further below. A snapshot will be verified as valid by the bank hash in the arguments below.

For this you need to remove –no-snapshot-fetch if present.

Add these arguments to restart:

 --wait-for-supermajority 246464040 \
 --expected-shred-version 50093 \
 --expected-bank-hash 2QEvYhBgeWPJbC84fMTTK9NgntqiUAWiBEBf21rtTmng \

Additional snapshot sources:

If you follow this add back –no-snapshot-fetch, you can remove old snapshots, none should have a higher slot than the one you download.

You can use these known validators:

--known-validator RBFiUqjYuy4mupzZaU96ctXJBy23sRBRsL3KivDAsFM \

Or download directly:

wget (Oslo, Norway)
wget (Tokyo, Japan)
wget (Tokyo, Japan)
wget (Zagreb, EU)
wget (Miami, USA)