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Set deploy configurations as environment variables

  • use LOTUS_GIT_BRANCH to set what git branch to use for lotus
  • use INSTANCE_TYPE to set what instance type to use
  • use LOTUS_NETWORK with either calibnet or mainnet to configure the netowrk

The defaults are:

LOTUS_NETWORK=mainnet LOTUS_GIT_BRANCH=master INSTANCE_TYPE='i4i.2xlarge' ./run_task.bash TASKNAME

this would be equvalent to:

./run_task.bash TASKNAME

a non standard usage of the args to test state invariants on calibnet would be:

LOTUS_NETWORK=calibnet LOTUS_GIT_BRANCH=asr/unbork-calibnet ./run_task.bash state_invariants_check

running a script to create a dump file using lotus using a very large machine:

LOTUS_GIT_BRANCH=my/dev/branch INSTANCE_TYPE='i4i.16xlarge' ./run_task.bash lotus_snapshot

Tutorial: Using the add_task.sh script


  • Access to an EC2 instance with the necessary environment set up.
  • Basic understanding of bash scripting.


Step 1: Open a terminal window and navigate to the lotus-ec2-tools/tasks directory:

cd ~/dev/FILCAT/lotus-ec2-tools/tasks

Step 2: Execute the add_task.sh script:

bash add_task.sh

At this point, you might encounter a warning about missing version information for libtinfo.so.6. You can ignore this warning for now; it's not critical to the task creation process.

Step 3: The script will prompt you to enter a task name. Enter a name for your task, such as profile_message_execution, and press Enter.

Step 4: The script will create a new directory with the same name as the task you entered. This directory contains two files: run.bash and run_task.bash. You can navigate to this directory with the following command:

cd profile_message_execution

Step 5: You can view the contents of the run.bash and run_task.bash scripts by using the cat command:

cat run.bash
cat run_task.bash

Step 6: Edit the run_task.bash script to include the actual task you want to execute on the EC2 instance. You can use a text editor like nano or vim to edit this file:

nano run_task.bash

Replace the line echo 'do stuff here' with the command to execute your task. Save and exit the file when you're done.

Step 7: When you're ready to execute your task, you can do so by using the run.bash script, passing in the public DNS of your EC2 instance and the task name as arguments:

bash run.bash <INSTANCE_PUBLIC_DNS> <task_name>

The run.bash script will ssh into your EC2 instance, execute the run_task.bash script there, and store the output in a file on your local machine.


to set up the commander node:

  1. in ec2 run create_instance.bash
  2. on the new node run aws configure
  3. set up pem in ~/.ssh/aws.pem
  4. add following to ~/.ssh/config:
Host *
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  1. crontab -e to add the crontab file to the crontab

To run a task like the snapshot state summary run the command:

./run_task.bash snapshot_state_summary