
This guide walks you through the process of creating a simple web application with resources that are protected by Spring Security. This example is based on the Spring guides, available in https://spring.io/guides/gs/securing-web/.

Build and Run project

To build this project, you need to have Gradle installed in your system because I decided to not use the Gradle wrapper commands.

In the root of the project execute:

gradle build

And then to start the embedded server execute:

java -jar build/libs/five-secure-web.jar

The name of the jar is declared in the build.gradle file in the bootJar section.


This project shows how to use the Spring Security to create authentication in a MVC web application. There are two public pages: home and login and a private page: hello.

The pages are using Thymeleaf as a template. It was necessary to create two classes to enable the functionalities:

  1. MvcConfig: Configurations about the pages HTML.
  2. WebSecurityConfig: Configurations about what pages are public and what are private.

Also, it was create a User in memory to easily use the system.