
a joke organizer for the disorganized comedian

Primary LanguageJavaScript


welcome to the bitSort repo


  • content
    • landing page
      • logo + pitch
      • login
    • user dashboard page
      • profile info component
      • bit search bar
      • bit entry button
      • bit entry component
      • build-a-set
    • search results page
    • bit library page
    • bit component
      • bit
      • length
      • clean/blue
      • opener/middle/closer
      • additional tags
  • features
    • landing page
      • persistent login/cookies?/sessions?
      • google login option
    • user dashboard page
      • profile info component
        • upload profile pic
        • edit bio
        • edit email (optional)
        • password reset (requires email)
      • bit search bar
        • auto-complete words if they match tags
        • if search term does not match tag, then search bit content
      • bit entry component
        • requires all information listed below in component
      • build-a-set component
        • requires clean/blue and set time total (e.g. clean 8-min set)
        • optional tags
    • search results page
      • lists collapsed bit component that can be expanded
    • bit library page
      • sortable list of all bits, 50 per page
      • sortable by date added, length of bit, and tag filters are available
    • bit component
      • collapsable with drop-down arrow
        • collapsed bit has title
      • bit
      • length
      • clean/blue
      • opener/middle/closer
      • additional tags