Local Add-on Broken Link Checker

A Local add on for searching for broken links on your WordPress site. This repository hosts the source code; if you simply want to use the add-on, download the latest version of local from the release page and install the add-on within the app.

Manual Installation & Development setup

If you haven't already, it is advised that you familiarize yourself with the basics of electron.


Clone the repository into one of the following directories depending on your platform:

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Local/addons
  • Windows: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Local\addons
  • Linux: ~/.config/Local/addons

You need to replace 'Local' with 'Local Beta' in the above paths if you want to create the add-on for Local Beta.

If you prefer to clone your source code elsewhere, you can do so and then symlink that directory to one in the above mentioned directories.

An example of this on MacOS would look like:

git clone git@github.com:getflywheel/local-addon-broken-link-checker.git ~/code

ln -s ~/code/local-addon-borken-link-checker ~/Library/Application\ Support/Local/addons

Install Dependencies

yarn install or npm install


yarn build or npm run build

You can also choose to watch for changes using yarn watch

Add to Local

  1. npm pack
  2. Install the newly generated tarball from disk within Local

Alternate Method to Add to Local

  1. Clone repo directly into the add-ons folder (paths described above)
  2. yarn install or npm install (install dependencies)
  3. yarn build or npm run build
  4. Open Local and enable add-on

If the enabling the add-on via the Local UI doesn't work for some reason, you can also enable it by updating the file enabled-addons.json. This is located at one of the following application specific paths.

You'll want to make sure that the json file includes:

"@getflywheel/local-addon-broken-link-checker": true

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Local/enabled-addons.json
  • Linux: ~/.config/Local/enabled-addons.json
  • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Local\addons\enabled-addons.json


External Libraries

It is worth noting the the TS definitions for this module are exposed and publicly availble. The actual code is injected once the add-on is loaded by Local. This can make writing tests a little tricky as the @getflywheel/local/<main/renderer> module isn't available outside of Local (ie testing unit testing environments). The best option is to mock out this module while running tests.

Folder Structure

All files in /src will be transpiled to /lib using Babel. Anything in /lib will be overwritten.

Debug Logs

  • Aside from the developer console, Local logs can be found (on Mac) at /Users/username/Library/Logs/local-beta.log

Testing with Local

  • Import site /docs/LinkChecker_TestSite.zip into Local and run Link Checker. This should result in several expected errors to occur.
