

./cluster [bot 1] [bot 2]


init %d %d %d %f %d
	%d = total number of colors [1]
	%d = chips per color
	%d = grid size
	%f = timeout in seconds
	%d = player id [2]

color %d
	%d = preferred color id
		0 = red
		1 = yellow
		3 = cyan
		4 = blue
		5 = magenta

chips %d %d
	%d = first chip from bag
	%d = second chip from bag

rotate %d
	%d = direction of gravity
		0 = to top
		1 = to top right
		2 = to bottom right
		3 = to bottom [3]
		4 = to bottom left
		5 = to top left

drop %d %d
	%d = position to drop at [4]
	%d = chip to drop

[1] this is 2 times the number of colors per player, so 4 in a standard game.
[2] except for the first turn of bot 0, bots will receive their opponent's action before drawing chips.
[3] this is the initial direction.
[4] 0 is centered around the current direction of gravity, positive values are in the clockwise direction.


> init 4 22 6 1.0 1
< color 5
> drop 0 1
> chips 2 3
< drop 1 2
> drop 0 1
> chips 3 3
< rotate 1