DROP column color
ROTATE cycles (1-5 are valid amounts for cycles)

If an invalid move is made, or a bot times out, the opposing player wins and the game is over.



0 - South
1 - SouthWest
2 - NorthWest
3 - North
4 - NorthEast
5 - SouthEast

Input data

Initialization Input

First line: numberOfCells
Next numberOfCells lines: 7 space-separated integers:

  • index for the cell's index.
  • 6 neigh variables, one for each direction, containing the index of a neighboring cell or -1 if is there is no neighbor.

Next line: An integer numberOfColumns
Next numberOfColumns lines: 6 space-separated integers

  • 6 cellIndex variables, one for each direction, containing the index of the cell that is at the top of that column, for that direction.

Next line: An integer yourColors
Next yourColors lines: 2 space-separated integers:

  • index for the color's index.
  • maxAmount for the max amount of chips of that color.

Next line: An integer opponentColors
Next opponentColors lines: 2 space-separated integers:

  • index for the color's index.
  • maxAmount for the max amount of chips of that color.

Input for One Game Turn

First line: An integer gravity (between 0 and 5): the direction of gravity.

Next line: numberOfValidColumns
next numberOfValidColumns lines: 1 integer

  • column: the column to use for a DROP command

Next line: numberOfChips
next numberOfChips lines: 4 space-separated integers:

  • index: index of the new chip.
  • colorIndex: index of the chip's color.
  • isMine: 1 if you are the owner of this chip, 0 otherwise.
  • cellIndex: index of the cell the chip is on.

Next line: numberOfChipsInHand next numberOfChipsInHand lines: 1 integer:

  • colorIndex: index of the chip's color.



If you run out of chips
If you timeout(bot only)
If you make an invalid move


Make a match bigger or equal to 4, and bigger than your opponent
If both players have an equal size match, the amount of chips they have on the board of their winning color will serve as tie-breaker


Both players have a match of equal size, with equal number of tiles of their winning color on the board

Invalid moves:
Move is not among the valid moves, or does not follow the correct format for the move
DROP command was done for a column that is already full ROTATE command specified an invalid amount of cycles. Sending a command before reading all the input