
ADS-B to Cursor on Target (CoT) Gateway.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

adsbcot - ADSB Cursor-on-Target Gateway.

Screenshot of ADS-B PLI in ATAK.

The adsbcot ADS-B Cursor on Target Gateway transforms Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) aircraft position information into Cursor on Target (CoT) Position Location Information (PLI) for display on Situational Awareness (SA) applications such as the Android Team Awareness Kit (ATAK), WinTAK, RaptorX, et al.

IF YOU HAVE AN URGENT OPERATIONAL NEED: Email ops@undef.net or call/sms +1-415-598-8226

ADS-B Data can be recevied from a dump1090 recevier using: 1. Aircraft JSON HTTP feed. See: https://github.com/flightaware/dump1090/blob/master/README-json.md 2. Raw TCP (via pyModeS) 3. Beast TCP (via pyModeS)

If you'd like to feed AIS data from another source, consider these:

  • adsbxcot: ADS-B Exchange to Cursor on Target (CoT) Gateway. Transforms ADS-B position messages to CoT PLI Events.
  • stratuxcot: Stratux ADS-B to Cursor on Target (CoT) Gateway. Transforms position messages to CoT PLI Events.


The ADS-B to Cursor on Target Gateway is provided by a command-line tool called adsbcot, which can be installed either from the Python Package Index, or directly from this source tree.

Install from the Python Package Index (PyPI):

$ pip install adsbcot

To support direct network streaming (raw & beast) from dump1090, you must install the extra package pyModeS.

To install with pyModeS support:

$ pip install adsbcot[with_pymodes]

Install from this source tree:

$ git clone https://github.com/ampledata/adsbcot.git
$ cd adsbcot/
$ python setup.py install


The adsbcot command-line program has several runtime arguments:

usage: adsbcot [-h] -U COT_URL [-S COT_STALE] [-K FTS_TOKEN] -D DUMP1090_URL
               [-I POLL_INTERVAL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -U COT_URL, --cot_url COT_URL
                        URL to CoT Destination.
  -S COT_STALE, --cot_stale COT_STALE
                        CoT Stale period, in seconds
  -K FTS_TOKEN, --fts_token FTS_TOKEN
                        FTS REST API Token
  -D DUMP1090_URL, --dump1090_url DUMP1090_URL
                        URL to dump1090 JSON API.
                        For HTTP: Polling Interval


To report bugs, please set the DEBUG=1 environment variable to collect logs.

Unit Test/Build Status

adsbcot's current unit test and build status is available via Travis CI:



The source for adsbcot can be found on Github: https://github.com/ampledata/adsbcot


adsbcot is written and maintained by Greg Albrecht W2GMD oss@undef.net


adsbcot is Copyright 2020 Orion Labs, Inc. https://www.orionlabs.io

pyModeS is an optional extra package, and is Copyright (C) 2015 Junzi Sun (TU Delft).


adsbcot is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for details.

pyModeS is an optional extra package, and is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


Connect to dump1090's Beast TCP running on host, port 30005 & forward CoT to host, port 8087:

$ adsbcot -U -D tcp+beast:

Connect to dump1090's Raw TCP running on host, port 30002 & forward CoT to host, port 8087:

$ adsbcot -U -D tcp+raw:

Poll dump1090's JSON API at with a 10 second interval & forward CoT to host, port 8087:

$ adsbcot -U -D -I 10

Running as a Daemon

First, install supervisor:

$ sudo yum install supervisor
$ sudo service supervisord start

Create /etc/supervisor.d/adsbcot.ini with the following content:

command=adsbcot -U https://adsbexchange.com/api/aircraft/v2/lat/36.7783/lon/-119.4179/dist/400/ -X xxx -I 5 -C -P 8087

And update supervisor:

$ sudo supervisorctl update