
Analysis and Design of Algorithms

This Project directory is dedicated to the programs that have been taught in lectures for the B.E.(C.S.E.) Second Year 4th semester

The folder includes Programs done in C++(initial 10) and later Python(remaining 23)

This shift of Python is witnessed due the change of requirements for programming especially using the inbuilt libraries of Python for Graph Plotting

The name, techniques and language used in the programming are listed below:

Program No. Name Technique Programming Language
01 Selection_Sort Recursion C++
02 Recursive_Sum_of_List Recursion C++
03 Reursive_Power_Calculation Recursion C++
04 Turth-Table_Generator Recursion C++
05 Horner's_Rule Recursion C++
06 Permutaion_Generator Recursion C++
07 Towers_Of_Hanoi Recursion C++
08 Power-Set-Generator Recursion C++
09 Merge_Sort_Concept Divide And Conquer C++
10 Position-Finder_and_Placer Divide And Conquer C++
11 Insertion_Sort Divide And Conquer Python
12 Binary_Search Divide And Conquer Python
13 Quick_Sort Divide And Conquer Python
14 Merge_Sort Divide And Conquer Python
15 Iterative_QS Divide And Conquer Python
16 Min_Max Divide And Conquer Python
17 Matrix_Multiplication-DAC Divide And Conquer Python
18 Strassen's_MatrixMultiplication Divide And Conquer Python
19 Fractional_Knapsack Greedy Approach Python
20 Activity_Selection Greedy Approach Python
21 Single_Source_Shortest_Path Greedy Approach Python
22 Kruskal_MST Greedy Approach Python
23 Prims_MST Greedy Approach Python
24 Heap_Sort Divide And Conquer Python
25 Assembly_Line_Scheduling Dynamic Programming Python
26 0/1_Knapsack Dynamic Programming Python
27 Matrix_Chain_Multiplication Dynamic Programming Python
28 Longest_Common_Subsequence Dynamic Programming Python
29 All_Pair_Shortest_Path Dynamic Programming Python
30 Multistage_Graph Dynamic Programming Python
31 N-Queen's_Problem Backtracking Python
32 Graph_Coloring Backtracking Python
33 Sum_Of_Subsets Backtracking Python
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