This Project directory is dedicated to the programs that have been taught in lectures for the B.E.(C.S.E.) Second Year 4th semester
The folder includes Programs done in C++(initial 10) and later Python(remaining 23)
This shift of Python is witnessed due the change of requirements for programming especially using the inbuilt libraries of Python for Graph Plotting
The name, techniques and language used in the programming are listed below:
Program No. | Name | Technique | Programming Language |
01 | Selection_Sort | Recursion | C++ |
02 | Recursive_Sum_of_List | Recursion | C++ |
03 | Reursive_Power_Calculation | Recursion | C++ |
04 | Turth-Table_Generator | Recursion | C++ |
05 | Horner's_Rule | Recursion | C++ |
06 | Permutaion_Generator | Recursion | C++ |
07 | Towers_Of_Hanoi | Recursion | C++ |
08 | Power-Set-Generator | Recursion | C++ |
09 | Merge_Sort_Concept | Divide And Conquer | C++ |
10 | Position-Finder_and_Placer | Divide And Conquer | C++ |
11 | Insertion_Sort | Divide And Conquer | Python |
12 | Binary_Search | Divide And Conquer | Python |
13 | Quick_Sort | Divide And Conquer | Python |
14 | Merge_Sort | Divide And Conquer | Python |
15 | Iterative_QS | Divide And Conquer | Python |
16 | Min_Max | Divide And Conquer | Python |
17 | Matrix_Multiplication-DAC | Divide And Conquer | Python |
18 | Strassen's_MatrixMultiplication | Divide And Conquer | Python |
19 | Fractional_Knapsack | Greedy Approach | Python |
20 | Activity_Selection | Greedy Approach | Python |
21 | Single_Source_Shortest_Path | Greedy Approach | Python |
22 | Kruskal_MST | Greedy Approach | Python |
23 | Prims_MST | Greedy Approach | Python |
24 | Heap_Sort | Divide And Conquer | Python |
25 | Assembly_Line_Scheduling | Dynamic Programming | Python |
26 | 0/1_Knapsack | Dynamic Programming | Python |
27 | Matrix_Chain_Multiplication | Dynamic Programming | Python |
28 | Longest_Common_Subsequence | Dynamic Programming | Python |
29 | All_Pair_Shortest_Path | Dynamic Programming | Python |
30 | Multistage_Graph | Dynamic Programming | Python |
31 | N-Queen's_Problem | Backtracking | Python |
32 | Graph_Coloring | Backtracking | Python |
33 | Sum_Of_Subsets | Backtracking | Python |
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