Titanium Jellyfish - Study Buddy
website: www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~richard/TiJelly
Group members: Julien Blanchet, Etai Klein, Richard Lange, Wesley Lau, Rebecca Leong

APtest: Source code for an app to test getting access points and the strength of their signal at various locations.

BioPaco: Data from group members who were in the study as well as a python script to scrape all of the data and do some processing of it.

SeedData: Python scripts and sample .csv files to seed our datastore with rooms.

StudyBuddy: Main app for StudyBuddy. The main package has most of the UI and sensor collection in it. Database package is the code for local databases. 
Clientside is code for talking to the server.

StuddyBuddy-AppEngine: Source code for our server. We set up and ran our server on a local machine: We did launch it to google, but then realized that seeding the datastore and having potentially 60 users within a 24 hour period might exceed our read-write limits. So right now it's on the local machine. 

StudyBuddyUI: A very basic UI before it was integrated into the main project.

Other: miscellaneous jar files that were used 

==========Running StudyBuddy===========
The server must be running on the local machine to be able to sync, pull or push data up to it. 
Otherwise, download the .apk and it should be good to go. 
StudyBuddy requires updated GooglePlay to run, but it should check for it and upgrade it the device does not have it. 

=========Other notes==================