
Overcollector is a tool that allows you to track all of your Overwatch cosmetics collection.


  • Track cosmetics
  • Filter by hero, category and type
  • Get statistics about completion
  • Get statistics about credits
  • Easily add new cosmetics with the Open a Lootbox page
  • Customize your collection with lots of settings

Work In Progress

  • Adding images for menu icons

To Do

  • Replace credits symbol to make it more readable (maybe with an image?)
  • Only show items for current event on lootbox page
  • Improve Welcome page
  • Button "Go to top of the page" in collection
  • Improve design
  • Make FAQ
  • Search in collection
  • Wishlists
  • Add settings for sort by "heroes", "heroes and types", "types", "categories", etc
  • Fix display of buttons in collection on smaller screens
  • Improve user profiles
  • Statistics about probability on lootbox page
  • Event optimisers
  • Achievements tracker
  • Recreate competitive gif sprays
  • Compare collections
  • Tracking over time

How to contribute



  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your forked version of this repository
  • In the topmost directory of the repository, run composer install
  • Create a database called overcollector
  • Create a role called overcollector with a password of your choice
  • In the database run the file overcollector.sql to create the database structure and data.sql to fill the database with data


  • Make a copy of overcollector.example and rename it overcollector.ini. Never share this file, it will contain all the sensitive information about the application
  • Edit overcollector.ini: Set the Battle.net callback uri to go to the login page
  • Make a copy of maintenance.example and rename it maintenance.ini. This file is only useful in a production environment.
  • Make sure you can work locally on https (ignore browser warning about self-signed certificate)


  • Look for unresolved issues here
  • Look for issues in existing code and report or fix them
  • Look at the To Do List
  • Come up with something. To avoid wasting your time, create an issue first explaining what you want to do and wait for approval.
  • Try to limit the size of commits (1 feature/fix per commit is ideal)
  • Make a pull request for every commit
  • Unsure about anything: contact me