BeSafe is an Android Application in the human security domain, Which triggers the app to it's panic mode with just 3 shakes of the device. As the app triggers the panic,
- A push notification is sent to the 5 nearest people and by clicking the notification route to the panicked user is drawn.
- An automatic audio recording happens for 2 minutes and is sent to the server.
- SMSs will be sent to 5 people (these numbers will be saved while registering an accout in the app) with position of the panicked user.
- A push notification to the Police admin will also be sent, which will have route and the audio file.
Mobile Apps in this domain have been failing considerably in providing a quick trigger action at the moments of need, while IoT devices make it a lot harder to reach to public as people need to buy and carry that extra thing with themselves, which made us think to come to a solution and we managed preety well.
- Prototype Stage (Almost Complete)
- Production Stage (Not Started)
Java, Android Studio.
BeSafe is an app in the human security domain targetted mainly for women and kids. The app is 1st of its kind Android application that provides a Super Quick trigger at the moment of panic with just three shakes, it sends a notification to the 5 nearest people to the user and while we click at the notification a map opens which displays the route to the user panicking. Simultaneously, it sends an SMS to the user's family members and also a notification to the police, it also starts an audio recording in the background which also acts as an evidence.
Aadhaar Api would be integrated for the account sign in, which will help to know the users better and a user having any antisocial activity can be reported and be removed from the App The audio recording will be simultaneously uploaded to the Google drive link and the link will be sent to the family members and police via SMS. There will be an admin app at the end of the police.
A good readability of the code has been kept in the mind and has been implemented by using the Google developer's best practices by Google. The UI has been Built by following the designing rules of Georgia Tech and University of California, San Diego. Heuristic evaluation of the App is done timely and is been improving after every evaluation, thus enhancing the User-Experience.
Clone and download the project, extract the file locally and import the project on an Android SDK to run and install the app.
- Tito Nadar
- Yash Purohit