
View is not defined, pass it as a context variable (incompatibility with current DRF)

hanayashiki opened this issue · 1 comments

I encountered a bug using your SocialLoginView because of a recent DRF update.

As documented, I add a view called FacebookLoginView

class FacebookLoginView(SocialLoginView):
    adapter_class = FacebookOAuth2Adapter

But I got the following response:

    "non_field_errors": [
        "View is not defined, pass it as a context variable"

The exception point is here in serializer.py:

    def validate(self, attrs):
        view = self.context.get('view')
        request = self._get_request()

        if not view:
            raise serializers.ValidationError(
                _("View is not defined, pass it as a context variable")

It seems that 'view' is not passed to context.

Then I find this in LoginView of views.py

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.request = request
        self.serializer = self.get_serializer(data=self.request.data,
                                              context={'request': request})

        return self.get_response()

The line

        self.serializer = self.get_serializer(data=self.request.data,
                                              context={'request': request})

is wrong, because in current version of DRF 3.11.2, get_serializer has changed its behavior

    def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return the serializer instance that should be used for validating and
        deserializing input, and for serializing output.
        serializer_class = self.get_serializer_class()
        kwargs.setdefault('context', self.get_serializer_context())
        return serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)

If 'context' is already provided, as in LoginView.post, the new get_serializer does not override kwargs['context'] anymore, ending up not providing "view" in the context, so the api will fail.

Oh, this repo is no longer maintained. Not tested, but I believe switching to https://github.com/jazzband/dj-rest-auth should solve this problem.