This app makes it extremely easy to build Django powered SPA's (Single Page App) or Mobile apps exposing all registration and authentication related functionality as CBV's (Class Base View) and REST (JSON)
Pinned issues
- 7
- 0
ugetttext_lazy is deprecated
#673 opened by StellaEzeamalu - 8
Reverse for 'password_reset_confirm' not found. 'password_reset_confirm' is not a valid view function or pattern name.
#651 opened by vahidkoohkan - 2
Failed to run with the lates allauth lib
#670 opened by Mixser - 1
- 6
Update for Django 4.0
#650 opened by zbraniecki - 0
The package doesn't work with Django from 3.12
#669 opened by Teddy10000 - 0
ImproperlyConfigured at /api/v1/auth/registration/account-email-verification-sent/
#668 opened by im-srj - 0
The package doesn't work with django 4.0.*
#667 opened by roham96 - 1
The package doesn't work with django 4.0.*
#661 opened by hamza-hadda - 0
The package doesn't work with django 4.0
#666 opened by Omaraitbenhaddi - 0
The package doesn't work with django 4.0.*
#660 opened by hamza-hadda - 0
- 1
- 1
ValueError: save() prohibited to prevent data loss due to unsaved related object 'user'.
#625 opened by Hamza-Lachi - 0
ConnectionRefusedError: Registration endpoint response
#649 opened by maen08 - 0
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Django and react login with google
#645 opened by AREEG94FAHAD - 6
Does this support google authentication with react?
#626 opened by SanjivG10 - 0
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Option to just need one password field for new account / reset/change password.
#642 opened by hakim-miah - 1
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#641 opened by adupatil - 1
This REPO is no longer maintained
#628 opened by tom-and-jary - 2
Google social auth
#637 opened by nadhem-zmandar - 1
changing your base JWT option
#636 opened by LordST95 - 0
Catch SMTPDataError?
#635 opened by markperri - 0
- 0
[Errno 61] Connection refused
#632 opened by TimeWtr - 2
- 1
View is not defined, pass it as a context variable (incompatibility with current DRF)
#631 opened by hanayashiki - 0
How to update UserProfile connected through one-to-one field with CustomUser model in django, using django_rest_auth and django rest framework ??
#630 opened by mnamegaurav - 10
- 1
No module found
#627 opened by SzateX - 0
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Rest-auth: Exlamation mark comes before password
#614 opened by Pranay9752 - 1
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Does the email verification view even work?
#602 opened by realmhamdy - 1
SocialApp matching query does not exist.
#615 opened by nomhoi - 0
how can I change base urls names?
#613 opened by Pranay9752 - 1
create userprofile
#612 opened by Terkea - 0
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#600 opened by bsdis - 1
Facebook login cannot get access_token from given code
#597 opened by koztay