
a little 64bit operating system written in c++ with smp support

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause



GitHub commit activity License Codacy Badge

WingOS is a small hobbyist 64 bit kernel made with <3 in C++

Note: the userspace is not really developed right now, there are not really functional binutils nor useful applications, for the moment I prefer developing the kernel than the userspace.

Note2: for the moment I am working on Brutal a super cool microkernel written in C.


Try it

If you just want to try the os without building it, you can just install Qemu, and grab the latest Artifacts in the github action.

Configuration for running qemu:

[MEMORY] : recommended memory: 4G | minimum: 2G

[CPU_CORES] : recommended : 6 | minimum : 1 (warning: 1 cpu core is really slow)

qemu-system-x86_64 -m [MEMORY] -s -device pvpanic -smp [CPU_CORES] -serial stdio -enable-kvm -d cpu_reset -d guest_errors -hda [DISK_PATH] -nic user,model=e1000 -M q35 -cpu host 


for building you can take a look at the Build guide

Contributing to the libutils or libc without building the kernel

if you want to contribute to the libc/libutils without having to build the kernel you can just edit the library and test it in the unit-test directory this is for testing the library in a linux environment

Supported features

  • pci
  • ahci
  • sata
  • ata
  • e1000
  • syscall/sysret
  • ext2fs
  • smp (multi cpu)
  • little gui
  • basic module (for the moment we have the mouse and keyboard module in the userspace)
  • basic ipc
  • basic terminal
  • ...


This project use the BSD 2-Clause License

