
Implementations for detecting and understanding biases in ML libraries

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PARFAIT-ML: (PARameter FAIrness Testing for ML Libraries)

This repository provides the tool and the evaluation subjects for the paper "Fairness-aware Configuration of Machine Learning Libraries" accepted for the technical track at ICSE'2022.

The repository includes:

  • a Dockerfile to build the Docker script,
  • a set of required libraries for running the tool on local machine,
  • the source code of Parfait-ML,
  • the evaluation subjects: subjects,
  • the pre-built evaluation all results: Dataset, and
  • the scripts to rerun all search experiments: scripts.

Docker File

docker pull tizpaz/parfaitml:1.0.0
docker run --rm -it  parfait:1.0.0

We recommend to use Docker's volume feature to connect the docker container to the own file system so that Parfait-ML's results can be easily accessed. Furthermore, we recommend to run scripts in an own screen session so that the results can be observed during execution.

Note: The tool is initially built for MacOS. Docker version with Ubuntu might experience some unexpected error.


Parfait-ML is a search-based software testing and statistical debugging tool to configure ML libraries fairly and detect fairness bugs in the configuration space of ML algorithms. Parfait-ML focuses on the hyperparameters in training of ML models and whether they amplify or suppress discriminations in data-driven software. Some prominent examples of hyperparameters include l1 vs. l2 loss function in support vector machines, the maximum depth of a decision tree, and the number of layers/neurons in deep neural networks.

Parfait-ML consists of two components: 1) search algorithms 2) data-driven explanations. The tool has three search algorithms to explore the space of ML hyperparameters in order to find what hyperparameter values can lead to high and low fairness. The current experiments include five ML algorithms and their hyperparameter spaces (e.g., logistic regression). To train ML algorithms, Parfait-ML includes four social-critical datasets (e.g., adult census income). During the search, the tool consider the default configuration of ML algorithm and its performance as a lower-bound on the functional accuracy requirements. Then, it selects inputs that satisfy the accuracy requirements and lead to an interesting fairness value. In addition, the coverage-based algorithm (graybox search) uses feedback from program internals to identify interesting inputs. For the fairness metric, we use EOD: the difference in true positive rates between two groups, and AOD: the average difference between true positive rates and false positive rates. We note that these metrics measure biases and higher values mean lower fairness.

After stopping the search algorithm (a default of 4 hours), we use clustering algorithms to partition the hyperparameter inputs generated from the search based on fairness and accuracy values. Given two groups of inputs with low and high biases and similar accuracy, we infer CART decision trees that show what hyperparameters are common inside a cluster and what hyperparameters distinguish low fairness configurations from the high fairness one.


  • Python 3.7
  • pip, libjpeg-dev (Ubuntu) or Grphviz (MacOS)
  • numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pydotplus, scikit-learn==0.24.0, fairlearn (installed with pip3)

How to setup Parfait-ML

If you use the pre-built Docker image, the tool is already built to use in Ubuntu base. Otherwise, the installation of required packlages and libraries should be sufficient to run Parfait-ML. Note: the tool is substantially tested in MacOS system.

Getting Started with an example

After succesfully setup Parfait-ML, you can try a simple example to check the basic functionality. We prepared a simple run script for the logistic regression subject over census dataset with race as sensitive attribute. The black-box fuzzer interacts with the logistic regression algorithm. The hyperparameter variables and their domains are specified as an XML file, see XML file for Logistic Regression. The datasets are in datasets folder. For this example, we use census dataset.

We first generate test cases. Throughout the paper, we run the test-case generation procedure for 4, except for RQ4. Here, we run the black-box fuzzer for 10 minutes:

python3 main_mutation.py --dataset=census --algorithm=LogisticRegression --sensitive_index=8 --output=LogisticRegression_census_sex.csv --time_out=600

where the column with index 8 is corresponds to race attribute of each sample individual. After $10$ minutes, the process ends and shows the test case filename, which is a CSV file. We can issue vi command to explore the csv file (Dataset/LogisticRegression_census_sex.csv) where each row is a configuration of hyperparameter values, their corresponding accuracy (score), AOD fairness metric, EOD metric (TPR), etc.

One can replace main_mutation.py with main_random.py to run independently random algorithm and with main_coverage.py to run graybox fuzzing algorithm. Similarly, dataset and algorithms can be replaced to perform experiments on other learning algorithms as well as datasets (full lists are available in the paper as well as in all scripts. Next, we run clustering and decision tree algorithm:

python3 clustering_DT.py --test_case=LogisticRegression_census_sex.csv --clusters 2

where LogisticRegression_census_sex.csv is the name of test-case outcome from the last step and clusters show the number of cluster. This will produce clustering and decision tree models that can find inside Results folders (two png files: one is for clustering result and another is for decision tree).

Complete Evaluation Reproduction

We include the script to run the search algorithms for the entire dataset (warning: it will run all experiments):

sh script.sh

By default, every experiment will run for 4 hours, and one needs to repeat the experiments 10 times to reproduce RQ1 to RQ4. The experiments used in the paper is included in the Dataset folder.

Figure 2 (mutation search + census with sex and race)

We need to first generate test cases using black-box mutation algorithm for gender (sex) attribute wit index 9 (left) and race attribute with index 8 (right):

python3 main_mutation.py --dataset=census --algorithm=TreeRegressor --sensitive_index=9 --output=TreeRegressor_census_sex.csv --time_out=14400
python3 main_mutation.py --dataset=census --algorithm=TreeRegressor --sensitive_index=8 --output=TreeRegressor_census_race.csv --time_out=14400

Then, we need to apply clustering and decision tree inferences:

python3 clustering_DT.py --test_case=TreeRegressor_census_sex.csv --clusters 3
python3 clustering_DT.py --test_case=TreeRegressor_census_race.csv --clusters 2

These will generate clustering and decision tree png file. Note: we include the experiment used in this paper for 10 runs in Dataset folder. As an example for sex and race:

python3 clustering_DT.py --test_case=Run1/TreeRegressor_census_gender_mutation_res.csv --clusters 3
python3 clustering_DT.py --test_case=Run1/TreeRegressor_census_race_mutation_res.csv --clusters 2

The corresponding files can be found in 'Run1_DT'.

Table 2 (RQ 1)

To produce the Table 2, please simply issue:

python3 RQ-1.py

The program goes through each experiment with 10 runs, perform statistical analysis over the repeated experiemtns, and generate RQ1 table. This should take about one minute. The file used in the paper can be found in RQ1.

vi Results/RQ-Dataset/RQ1.csv

Table 3 and Figure 3 (RQ 2)

To produce the Table 3, please simply issue:

python3 RQ-2.py

The program will initiate RQ-2 table, update the table RQ2 as it goes through the experiments, and calculate 95% temporal progress of search algorithms as shown in Figure 3. NOTE: it might take over 90 minutes to complete the calculation. The table obtained in the paper can be found in RQ2 and the temporal fuzzing can be found in Fuzzing Progress.

vi Results/RQ-Dataset/RQ2.csv 

Figure 4 (RQ 3)

To produce Figure 3 and Figure 4, please simply issue:

python3 RQ-3.py

The program will create RQ1 to RQ10 folders, and each folder includes clustering and decision tree models for each experiment. NOTE: it might take over 90 minutes to complete the calculation. The results used in the paper can be found from 1.Decision_Tree_Run1 to 10.Decision_Tree_Run1. Also, the program will generate RQ3 table in RQ3. The table results have used to report statistics in section 6.6.

Table 4 and Table 5 (RQ 4)

To produce Table 4 and Table 5, please simply issue:

python3 RQ-4.py

The program will generate two csv files: RQ4-exp-6(m).csv file shows the results used for Table 4 and RQ4-SMBO.csv file shows the results used for Table 5.

vi Results/RQ4-exp-6(m).csv
vi Results/RQ4-SMBO.csv

The results reported in the paper are included RQ4-Exp and RQ4-SMBO:

How to apply Parfait-ML on new subjects

Our framework allows a simple extension to include new dataset application as well as new algorithm. Currently, we support 5 dataset applications and 10 distinct ML algorithms.

To add a new dataset, the user needs to import the dataset into the subject/datasets and then provide an abstract class in the abstract dataset classes similar to existing 5 datasets. Then, the user can build an instance of dataset in the search algorithms and add the dataset name to the dataset dictionary, e.g., see lines 24, 318, and 319 in random search.

To add a new algorithm, the user needs to add the target program into the subject folder, and define the interface function, e.g., see line 7 for Decision Tree. The interface function includes the input file (will be fed by the search algorithm, train data, test data, train label, and sensitive feature). The next step is to introduce the interface in the search drivers, e.g., see lines 100 to 150 in random search where the driver connects to 10 existing algorithm.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details