Advance Data Analysis

This project leverages the GPT Assistant API and its Code Interpreter Tool to conduct sophisticated data analysis. Users can upload tabular data in various formats along with a prompt question. Our system processes this input to deliver tailored data analysis results, directly responding to the specified question.


User: python
Assistant: Enter the file path or 'exit' to quit:
User: <file path>
Assistant: Enter your query or 'exit' to quit:
User: <your question query>
Assistant: RUNNING...

Assistant: <Answer in Text>
Assistant: <Answer in Image>

Assistant: Do you want to continue with the existing chat? (yes/no):
User: <yes/no>
Assistant: Do you want to use the existing file? (yes/no):
User: <yes/no>

Get Start It


# make sure your openai version >= 1.3.5
pip install --upgrade openai

Things to Change:

  1. Add your Openai API Key
    • You can find your API key here
  2. Change your system prompt (Optional)
    • Right now the predifined system prompt is a good start, but you can always change it to focus on your specific task
    • Notice the size of system prompt is limited to 512 char
  3. Add your user name (Optional)
    • You can add it to better assist you
  4. Change the model (Optional)
    • Right now the code is using the gpt-4-1106-preview model, you can explore other model as well.

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