
Smart wheel chair using IOV, done as project by Final year BE CSE students, NIE Mysore,

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Smart wheel chair usint IOV, done as project by Final year BE CSE students, NIE Mysore,


Have node, npm installed and configured in path.

--ubuntu users just do: sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

--windows users: install nodejs from website and configure environment variables (check if both node and npm are accessible)

Use 'npm install' to install required pacakges

Use 'npm start' to start express server --currently configures for front end UI access from browser with localhost:8888 (or ip of the computer)

(Refer git cheetsheet txt for git instructions)

useful commands:

npm start

npm run start-win

npm run build-sim

npm run simulation

npm run build-pi

npm run pi-config

npm run pi-config -- [ uid [ type [ location [ status [ position ] ] ] ] ]

npm run wheelchair