
Open Icecat API - Find product description with EAN, UPC or GTIN-13 with full typescript support

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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A simple tool to access the open icecat product information API. The Package is build with modern web technologies like fetch to have a small footprint and native performance. It also has some nice features like retrying when the request fails and some interfaces to make typescript development easier.


Install with npm:

$ npm i open-icecat

Declaration & Methods

class OpenIcecat {
    constructor(baseParams: {});
    getProduct(options: GetProductOptions);
    getProductReviews(options: GetProductOptions);
    getProductRelatedProducts(options: GetProductOptions);


1. Setup

import { OpenIcecat } from 'open-icecat';

const oc = new OpenIcecat({
    username: 'your-username',
    lang: 'en'

2. Get a Product by Brand & Product Code

(async () => {
    const res = await oc.getProduct({ Brand: 'hp', ProductCode: 'RJ459AV' });

3. Get a Product by GTIN/EAN/UPC/JAN

(async () => {
    const res = await oc.getProduct({ GTIN: '0882780751682' });

4. Get a Product by icecat_id

(async () => {
    const res = await oc.getProduct({ icecat_id: 1198270 });

5. Change the language for a single request

(async () => {
    const res = await oc.getProduct({ lang: 'en', Brand: 'hp', ProductCode: 'RJ459AV' });


Copyright © 2020, Tjark Kuehl Released under the MIT License.