OSC Databending

For the databending event during GOGBOT 2011 Tkkrlab contributed several projects. Purpose of the Databending event was to connect many art / technology installations together.


The OSC protocol is just a way to build messages, the network protocol is used most often. The contents of the messages and / or the relation between senders and receivers is not described. Therefore Heinze Havinga invented this

communication structure (written in Dutch)



A Java web application and a Python3 web application using Twisted are available


Put the oscilloscope in X/Y mode and connect the X channel to the left audio output and the Y channel to the right audio output.


spiro-osc.csd shows Spirograph figures. It contains two "instruments", the first one uses only one wheel but you can vary the output by gat,fase,wiel,fase2, and figs

  • gat: hole in spirograph wheel
  • fase: rotate figure
  • wiel: spirograph wheel
  • fase2: rotation of subsequent figures
  • figs: number of figure to draw

The second instrument draws predefined spirograph figure where you can only vary 'gat' and 'fase'. qutecsound (available as a ubuntu package) is a nice IDE for playing with CSound.


Csound Drone

Csound is a language to describe waveforms (orchestras) and music scores. It supports OSC. Csound Drone based on a Csound program by Michael Gogins is controllable via OSC. The original program is part of his Csound Algorithmic Composition Tutorial. Two versions are available: Csound Drone for Android Fingerplay and Csound Drone for Databender

Csound Drone for Android Fingerplay

Csound Drone for Android Fingerplay is a OSC server which can be controlled the Android OSC client Fingerplay. The Fingerplay parameters are:


which corresponds to the XY-pads of Fingerplay. They are coupled to the following Csound Drone parameters:
