
(MY OTHER SCRAPER REPOS ARE BETTER . Was just publicizing older haskell scraper code) made this fast to train some ai back 8 months or so ago. I made a quick and dirty script, curling all urls with a bash script, to then use haskell. This is ugly, anbd I would recomend using haskell only for everything. I was doing this fast and just grabbing data.

Primary LanguageHaskell


(sloppy speed code, never refactored)

(MY OTHER SCRAPER REPOS ARE BETTER - just was publicizing older haskell scraper code) made this fast to train some ai back 8 months or so ago. I made a quick and dirty script, curling all urls with a bash script, to then use haskell. This is ugly, anbd I would recomend using haskell only for everything. I was doing this fast and just grabbing data. It is also better to utilize mapConcurrrently over concurrent nesting as that is ugly code. I just wanted to batch and run concurrently fast as I was speed coding to get data trained for a GAN to make new rabbits/nfts from a collection.

my other scraper has some fun util funcs under the hood to run mass scrapes super fast