Plotting of soil CO2 and CH4 emission changes based on concentrations measured with LI-COR LI-7810 Trace Gas Analyzer.
Simply just upload .txt file obtained from the Trace Gas Analyzer (see example txt file in this repo). Any further table formatting is not necessary.
- Upload data
- Select area of interest in the upper plot
- See statistics of linear regression
There are two options to access the app:
- online web app hosted on
- or start your local installation of R language and paste following code which automatically downloads prerequisties and starts app:
install.packages(c("shiny", "shinythemes", "readr", "tidyverse", "Rmisc", "tools", "shinycssloaders", "showtext", "devtools", "svglite", "broom"))
runGitHub("Licor_app", "TlaskalV")