Soil gas emission visualization

Plotting of soil CO2 and CH4 emission changes based on concentrations measured with LI-COR LI-7810 Trace Gas Analyzer.

Table of contents


Simply just upload .txt file obtained from the Trace Gas Analyzer (see example txt file in this repo). Any further table formatting is not necessary.

  1. Upload data
  2. Select area of interest in the upper plot
  3. See statistics of linear regression


Where to try app

There are two options to access the app:

  • online web app hosted on
  • or start your local installation of R language and paste following code which automatically downloads prerequisties and starts app:
install.packages(c("shiny", "shinythemes", "readr", "tidyverse", "Rmisc", "tools", "shinycssloaders", "showtext", "devtools", "svglite", "broom"))
runGitHub("Licor_app", "TlaskalV")