
Fast ggplots for data from TMS dataloggers.

Primary LanguageR

TMS visualization

App for fast plots based on temperature and moisture data from TMS dataloggers produced by TOMST.

Table of contents

Data upload

To visualize data just upload raw .csv file with prefix data_ downloaded from TMS datalogger (see example csv file here). Temperature and moisture data can be easily filtered by date.

There is an option to plot data from different combinations of sensors. Plot uses hrbrthemes design.

Example plots

Combined temperature and moisture data

Temperature data only

Where to try app

There are two options to access the app:

  • online web app hosted on labenvmicro.shinyapps.io
  • or start your local installation of R language and paste following code which automatically downloads prerequisties and starts app:
install.packages(c("shiny", "shinythemes", "readr", "tidyverse", "Rmisc", "tools", "devtools", "showtext", "shinycssloaders", "hrbrthemes"))
runGitHub("TMS_visualization", "Vojczech")