

install from vscode extension store: link

Main function

When you use txt file to write a novel, invoke AI to autocomplete novel hints.

Support Language

  • Chinese
  • English

The project where the api interface is located


chatRWKV project introduction



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For Developer, How to build and run

  1. install package
npm install
  1. debug extension with F5/Ctrl+F5

  2. build vsix with vsce

npm install -g vsce
vsce package

For User, What you need is

  1. Deploy the api service mentioned above.
  2. Install this Extension and run it.

Advanced Custom Settings

  • Open vscode settings (file, preferences, settings), and search "Novel", than currently there are the following advanced settings
Name Default Function
server.address localhost The address of the api server.
server.port 6288 The port of the api server.
server.generated_length 256 How much text is expected to be generated at one time
chunk_length 512 Divide the data into blocks for reasoning, which reduces memory usage, but reduces the speed of reasoning.