
This is the culmination of our full stack web application "Class Viewer." This project was completed in my recent class SDEV255 Web Application Development. We worked with NodeJS, JS, Express, Postman, MongoDB, Cookies, BCrypt, and JWTs using a MVC (Models Views Controllers) approach.

Primary LanguageEJS


This is the culmination of our full stack web application "Class Viewer." This project was completed in my recent class SDEV255 Web Application Development. We worked with NodeJS, JS, HTML,CSS, Express, Postman, MongoDB, Cookies, BCrypt, and JWTs using a MVC (Models, Views, Controllers) approach.

The Class Viewer allows users to signup and from the get go, they will be considered a student. Their information is stored in a MongoDB and their passwords are hashed using bcrpyt. Students are able to add and drop classes from their schedule along with view a list of the current available courses and teachers. Teachers are able to create courses from scratch that will be listed to the students.

To Run this program, make sure to install all of the dependencies by running "npm install" *Make sure to have npm installed already

After you have npm installed. Then, you can run the command "nodemon app"

If everything goes well, you can access the web app on "localhost:3000"

This project was completed by Eddone Williams, Jacob Wheldon, and Timothy McMasters