
My Discord Bot!

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is the source code to my Discord bot, which is written in TypeScript. It uses Harmony, which is a Discord library that uses Deno as its runtime.

I'd like to request a feature

If you'd like to request a feature, please create a GitHub suggestion with the "suggestion" label.

I found a security vulnerability!

If you have found a security vulnerability, please let T_nology know (preferably privately). You may contact T_nology through the following methods:

  • Preferred Method: Creation of a Management Ticket in T_Cord (https://discord.gg/vKbjwMw) by going to the "#bot-commands" channel, running "-new Security Vulnerability," and selecting "Management Ticket."
  • Alternative Method: If you do not wish to create a Management Ticket in the Discord server, or you are unable to do so, you can email T_nology at tnology55@gmail.com.
  • Other Alternative Method: You can create a GitHub issue with the "Security Vulnerability" label.

Setting up the Bot


  • Deno
  • Windows 10, Windows 11, or Linux
    • The only tested Linux distribution is Rocky Linux. It should work on any common distribution - feel free to create a GitHub Issue if something distro-specific is happening.
    • MacOS might be supported, but it's currently untested.

Setting up the Bot:

  • Clone the repository
  • Create a token.txt file and add only your bot's token to it.
  • Create the file rps_custom_options.csv
  • Create the file .env and have it be in the format of .env.example
  • Create the file reminders.json and add the following content to it found in the reminders.json.example file.
  • To run the bot, run deno run -A main.ts
    • If you don't want to use the -A flag, you can just give it the flags it needs.

Configuring the Bot

To configure the bot, please create a .env file (with this specific name). I will add documentation later, but for now, there is a .env.example file you can use.
_LOGGING_CHANNEL values can be set to -1 to be disabled.

How do I refer to versions of the bot?

  • For any version of the bot before Monday, May 15th, 2023, refer to it by the first seven (7) letters of the hash of that commit, a dot, and the commit summary in quotes.
    • Example 1: 1f1a66f."Add Shell Command + Bot Start Logging"
    • Example 2: fd80eda."Initial commit"
  • For any version from Monday, May 15th, 2023, up until now, refer to it by the version found in version.txt (e.g. Pre-Alpha v0.0.1)

Custom RPS Options

Create a file called rps_custom_options.csv. You can leave it empty if you don't want any options. If you wish to add custom options, here is how the data is laid out: Name,<What it beats (rock|paper|scissors|everything|nothing)>,<What it loses against (rock|paper|scissors|everything|nothing)>. The bot will tie with the option not specified to win/lose against if everything and nothing are not used. Refer to rps_custom_options.csv.example for more information.

Topics File

The topics.txt file contains some default topics you can use. You can add, remove, or modify any topics in the file.