Json files can be found at jsons folder
TXT files can be found at txts folder
- Zones with problems
- Date
- Prediction:
- Availability
- Max Demand
- Impact
- Deficit
- Backup
- Morning Info:
- Time
- Availability
- Demand
- Deficit
- Plants:
- ID
- Broken
- Maintenance
- Limitation
- Distributed:
- Motors with problems
- Total Impact
- Combustible problems
- Ships with problems
- Motors Impact
"zones_with_problems": ["west" , "middle", "east"],
"date": "",
"url": "",
"prediction": {
"availability": "",
"demand_max": "",
"impact": "",
"deficit": "",
"backup": ""
"morning_info": {
"time": "",
"availability": "",
"demand": "",
"deficit": ""
"plants": [
"broken": [],
"maintenance": [],
"limitation": ""
"distributed": {
"motors_with_problems": "",
"total_impact": "",
"combustible_problem": "",
"snips_with_problems": "",
"motors_impact": ""
"impact": {
"total_hours": "",
"max": "",
"max_hour": ""
"MG": {
"name": "CTE Máximo Gómez",
"location": "Artemisa,Mariel",
"units": {
"5": {
"power": 90
"6": {
"power": 100
"7": {
"power": 90
"8": {
"power": 90
"OP": {
"name": "CTE Otto Parellada",
"location": "La Habana,La Habana Vieja",
"units": {
"7": {
"power": 60
"EG": {
"name": "CTE Ernesto Guevara",
"location": "Mayabeque,Santa Cruz del Norte",
"units": {
"1": {
"power": 100
"2": {
"power": 100
"3": {
"power": 95
"AG": {
"name": "CTE Antonio Guiteras",
"location": "Matanzas,Matanzas",
"units": {
"1": {
"power": 317
"CM": {
"name": "CTE Carlos Manuel de Céspedes",
"location": "Cienfuegos,Cienfuegos",
"units": {
"3": {
"power": 158
"4": {
"power": 158
"DO": {
"name": "CTE Diez de Octubre",
"location": " Camagüey,Nuevitas",
"units": {
"4": {
"power": 125
"5": {
"power": 125
"6": {
"power": 125
"LR": {
"name": "CTE Lidio Ramón Pérez",
"location": "Holguín ,Felton",
"units": {
"1": {
"power": 250
"2": {
"power": 230
"AM": {
"name": "CTE Antonio Maceo",
"location": "Santiago de Cuba,Renté Peninsula",
"units": {
"4": {
"power": 95
"5": {
"power": 95
"6": {
"power": 95
"7": {
"power": 95
"EV": {
"name": "Energas Varadero",
"location": "Matanzas,Cárdenas",
"units": {
"1": {
"power": 160
"EB": {
"name": "Energas Boca de Jaruco",
"location": "Mayabeque,Boca de Jaruco,",
"units": {
"1": {
"power": 320