
My dotfiles in one place so I don't have run around all the time to setup my environment.

Primary LanguageVim Script


My dotfiles in one place so I don't have run around all the time to setup my environment.

Steps to bootstrap a new New Environment

# Use SSH (if set up)...
git clone git@github.com:To-heeb/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

# ...or use HTTPS and switch remotes later.
git clone https://github.com/To-heeb/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
  1. Create symlinks in the Home directory to the real files in the repo.
# There are better and less manual ways to do this;
# investigate install scripts and bootstrapping tools.

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
ln -s ~/.dofiles/init.vim ~/.config/nvim/


  • Automate symlinking and run script files with a bootstrapping tool like Dotbot.

    Inspired by eieioxyz