General thoughts

  • This is a guide to be used with Vue
  • Idealized to be used with Nuxt2, but can be used with others versions as well

About names


  • Names must use camelCase
    • buttonColor instead of anything else
  • Names must have no more than 3 words
    • crypoSelected instead of theLastCryptoThatTheUserSelected


  • Vue accept kebab-case when passing props, but all props should de camelCase
    • <component userName="" /> instead of <component user-name="" />


  • Components must start with a capital letter
    • MyComponent instead of my-component or myComponent
  • Components must have at least two words
    • MainHeader instead of Header
  • It should start with the context
    • ClearSearchButton instead of ButtonToClearSearch
  • If the component is a modal it must end with "Modal"
    • MyComponentModal instead of my-component-modal or MyComponent


  • The name of the util file must explain what kind of util functions the file have
    • errors.js instead of utils.js
  • Don't know how to create a util file/function? Read this and learn by yourself

About components

Where to put them?

  • Componentes that are not a page must be in the components folder
    • The component folder must be divided in what type that component is
    • For example, modals must be on /components/modals

What are they about?

  • They should have just one use, no more, no less.
    • A button will always be a button. A successModal will always be just a successModal
  • Ps.: Don't fear in create a component that just wrapp two or three other components, changing just the props.


  • When your page have too much code and you want to split it
  • When you are repeating a lot of code

How to organize them?

  • First template then script and end with style
  • NEVER use logic on the template, instead, use a computed, a function, a watch, a ref, anything but to put the logic on template
  • ALWAYS use scoped on your style, and if you need to style a extern component, put everything inside a container with an id and use this id in the styles, so the css won't change anything besides this component: <template> <div id="uniqueContainerID">{{ content }}</div>
    <style lang="scss"> #uniqueContainerID { everyRuleInsideThisSelector } </style>

About how should I write this damn thing?


  • Always use shorthands!
    • :src="imageSrc" instead of v-bind:src="imageSrc"
    • @click="clickHandler" instead of v-on:click="clickHandler"


How to create a store and other things?


How create props?

  • NEVER just declare props
  • ALWAYS give context, at least, their type
  • props: { title: String } or
      title: { 
        type: String, 
        required: true 
    instead of props: ['title']

Store or props?

When use store?

  • Your component is independent
  • Your component use the data from the store, but the parent doesn't
  • Pages, as they don't have props

When use props?

  • Your component have a parent that use the same data
    • So you will import the store in the parent and pass just the data the child component needs via props