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Bybit.Net is a wrapper around the Bybit API as described on Bybit, including all features the API provides using clear and readable objects, both for the REST as the websocket API's.

If you think something is broken, something is missing or have any questions, please open an Issue


Donate / Sponsor

I develop and maintain this package on my own for free in my spare time. Donations are greatly appreciated. If you prefer to donate any other currency please contact me.

Btc: 12KwZk3r2Y3JZ2uMULcjqqBvXmpDwjhhQS
Eth: 0x069176ca1a4b1d6e0b7901a6bc0dbf3bb0bf5cc2
Nano: xrb_1ocs3hbp561ef76eoctjwg85w5ugr8wgimkj8mfhoyqbx4s1pbc74zggw7gs

Alternatively, sponsor me on Github using Github Sponsors


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Release notes

  • Version 0.0.1-beta8 - 02 Feb 2022

    • Fixed deserialization error using GetPositionsAsync on InversePerpetual API with symbol parameter
    • Split GetPositionsAsync into GetPositionAsync and GetPositionsAsync
    • Fixed PositionSide parsing warning for positions
    • Fixed cetain account endpoints on UsdFutures and InverseFutures not respecting the ApiClient settings
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 0.0.1-beta7 - 30 Jan 2022

    • Fixed exception during futures socket message handling when multiple different subscriptions are active
  • Version 0.0.1-beta6 - 30 Jan 2022

    • Fixed some USD Perpetual position update deserialization issues
    • Added comments for ticker subscription
  • Version 0.0.1-beta5 - 25 Jan 2022

    • Fixed nanosecond timestamp deserialization with latest CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 0.0.1-beta4 - 24 Jan 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 0.0.1-beta3 - 24 Jan 2022

    • Added SetTradingStopAsync endpoint for futures APIs
    • Added SetPositionModeAsync endpoint inverse perpetual API
    • Renamed SetIsolatedPositionModeAsync endpoints
    • Changed SetLeverageAsync endpoints to accept decimal values
    • Fixed various issues
  • Version 0.0.1-beta2 - 18 Jan 2022

    • Fixed multiple endpoint urls
  • Version 0.0.1-beta1 - 15 Jan 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 0.0.1-alpha7 - 13 Jan 2022

    • Fix for exponential value parsing
  • Version 0.0.1-alpha6 - 07 Jan 2022

    • Updated CrytpoExchange.Net
    • Added optional parameter for socket client lifetime in AddBybit
  • Version 0.0.1-alpha5 - 03 Jan 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 0.0.1-alpha4 - 01 Jan 2022

    • New comon implementation, added AddBybit extension method
  • Version 0.0.1-alpha3 - 27 Dec 2021

    • Fixed some small issues
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 0.0.1-alpha2 - 21 Dec 2021

    • Update to new CryptoExchange.Net version
  • Version 0.0.1-alpha1 - 07 Dec 2021

    • Initial version