NLP & SWE Enthusiast (Trying to become a Data Scientist/ML Engineer)
Toadoum's Following
- 11moon11Google
- aarossigMountain View, CA
- AKMADOUAfrican Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) Senegal
- AngelHaFrance
- ArealTal
- atemkengRhodes university
- ayoolaolafenwaBrandMagic Inc
- bregman-arieAkamai
- dassebedjibrilAMMI
- DjimdouLaurentian Bank of Canada
- dmatekenyaThe World Bank
- dododamba
- Drizzle66
- Eminent01African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
- hosseinhezamiNew York
- KabongosalomonUniversity of Hannover, L3S and TIB
- LeoLaugier
- lucidrainsSan Francisco
- masakhane-ioAfrica
- nfultz@njnmco @ucla
- rlebretEPFL
- shadrackkibetAfrican Institute for Mathematical sciences (AIMS)
- shayan-taheriGannon University