
RabbitMQ Essentials - Second Edition, published by Packt

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RabbitMQ Essentials - Second Edition

RabbitMQ Essentials - Second Edition

This is the code repository for RabbitMQ Essentials - Second Edition, published by Packt.

Build distributed and scalable applications with message queuing using RabbitMQ

What is this book about?

RabbitMQ is an open source message queuing software that acts as a message broker using the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). This book will help you to get to grips with RabbitMQ to build your own applications with a message queue architecture. You’ll learn from the experts from CloudAMQP as they share what they've learned while managing the largest fleet of RabbitMQ clusters in the world.

This book covers the following exciting features:

  • Get well versed with RabbitMQ’s message queue architecture and features
  • Discover the benefits of RabbitMQ, AMQP, and message queuing
  • Install and configure RabbitMQ and its plugins
  • Get to grips with the management console features and controls
  • Understand how queue and exchange types differ and when and how to use them

If you feel this book is for you, get your copy today!


Instructions and Navigations

All of the code is organized into folders. For example,

The code will look like the following:

connection = Bunny.new ENV['RABBITMQ_URI']
# Start a session with RabbitMQ 

Following is what you need for this book: If you are a professional enterprise developer or someone who just codes for fun, RabbitMQ Essentials is a valuable resource on open-source message queue architecture. Even those already familiar with microservices and messaging will discover value in reading this book for an exploration of moving forward with best practices and resource efficiency. This book will give you the push you need to get started with creating new and exciting applications or migrating existing monoliths to a microservice architecture.

With the following software and hardware list you can run all code files present in the book (Chapter 1-7).

Software and Hardware List

Chapter Software required OS required
1 to 6 Python 2.7, Ruby 2.7 and A web browser Mac OS X, and Linux (Any)

Code repository containing examples from the book Rabbit MQ Essentials Second Edition. Code is available from the folder corresponding to the chapter name. This repository includes tests and further documentation.

RabbitMQ can be set up on your own machine, which is described in the book. Another option is to skip the hassle of the installation and configuration and use a hosted RabbitMQ solution. CloudAMQP is the largest provider of hosted RabbitMQ clusters, and free setups are availbale at: www.cloudamqp.com.

The book also uses the docker setup similar to that defined in the Docker compose file. You shuold review the file before running docker-compose up. There are default usernames and passwords in this file used to connect to the broker. You should change these defaults as they are easy to guess if testing in an insecure space.

We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. Click here to download it.

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Get to Know the Authors

Lovisa Johansson has been working daily with RabbitMQ for many years. Through CloudAMQP, the company 84codes offers managed RabbitMQ clusters. With 50,000+ running instances, they are considered to be the largest provider of RabbitMQ as a Service in the world. Lovisa is an experienced developer with a Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Through her work, she continues to write the most popular and widespread educational content about RabbitMQ, and occasionally shares this knowledge as a speaker at various conferences.

David Dossot has worked as a software engineer and architect for more than 18 years. He has been using RabbitMQ since 2009 in a variety of different contexts. He is the main contributor to the AMQP transport for Mule. His focus is on building distributed and scalable server-side applications for the JVM and the Erlang VM. He is a member of IEEE, the Computer Society, and AOPA, and holds a diploma in Production Systems Engineering from ESSTIN.

He is a Mule champion and a DZone Most Valuable Blogger. He commits on multiple open source projects and likes to help people on Stack Overflow. He's also a judge for the annual Jolt Awards software competition.

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