
Media Player using JavaFx

Primary LanguageJava

Media Player

A JavaFX app that alow users to play audin/vedio files

What I Learned

  • Use the official media library in java
  • Use Keyboard shortcuts to control the media player

Supported Formats

all formats that are suporeted by official media library in java see https://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/api/javafx/scene/media/package-summary.html#SupportedMediaTypes

  • Audio : mp3 , wav , aif
  • Viedo : mp4 , flv


main_view file_menu playback_menu audio_menu options_menu

To run

  1. Download the release file
  2. Make sure you have oracle jre v 8 or higher
  3. type in command line or terminal java -jar <filename>.jar