This app is built using;

React, for the client.

Node.js(Express), for the server.

Exposes four API endpoints for managing ToDos:

  • GET /todos
  • POST /todos
  • PUT /todos/:id
  • DELETE /todos/:id

MongoDB, as the database layer.

The application uses database name todos-db and collection name todolist, and is reachable on localhost, port 27017. See setup instructions below.




Install for your operating system.

Mongo DB.

  1. Install Docker for your operating system.
  2. Run the mongo:4.4 docker image.
docker run -d --name todolist-db -p 27017:27017 mongo:4.4

a. To stop the mongodb docker container, run:

docker stop todolist-db

b. To start mongodb docker container again, run:

docker start todolist-db

Install Dependencies

Run npm run install-deps

Start Development Server

Run npm start

If successful, client should be running on http://localhost:3000/ and server should be running on http://localhost:5000/.

Have fun creating ToDos. :D