
Some simple scripts to convert .grd files to multiple .png for visualisation. Also code to crop a large dataset from reference .csv textfile.

Primary LanguagePython


Some simple scripts to convert .grd files to multiple .png for visualisation. Also code to crop a large dataset from reference .csv textfile.

There are some dependencies. However all are packages availoble from conda. Basemap can be commented out if output don't need to be projected.

E.g. grid files in folder data/ output images in colormap 'magma'. Verbose would be useful Run:

$ python grd2img.py -i data/ -c magma -v True

There are anumber of arguments

-i set input folder or tarball or zipped tarball -c set colormap of choice. Default is 'gray' -h for help -v verbose? -s save array as np binary

Also check the function array2images() There are some useful settings to manipulate the output

data_cube: numpy array
    3D array to export
file_list: list
    list with names to save. Lengh of list sets nr of exported files
img_color_map: string
    Name of colormap to use. No path, e.g. 'magma' or 'cool'
imf_dir: string
    path to exported files
cube_swap : tuple
    swap of axes to slice cube in wanted diriection. E.g. (0,2). E.g (1,1) is no swap
imgage_dir: string
    where to store figures
proj_it: boolean
    Save as projected
proj_type: string
rotting: boolean
    Rotate array?
flip_flop: boolean
    Flip array?    
swip: boolean
    swap array    
exp_bar: boolean
    Export colorbar as image